Welcome Tamara!
A few weeks ago, FVC welcomed Tamara Wilkes-Jones, Senior Environmental Consultant.
Tamara joins the rapidly-growing Environmental Assessments and Management (EAM) team here at FVC. With her vast experience across a range of environmental management roles, she is a welcome addition to the busy specialist team.
Tamara is an experienced environmental practitioner with more than 20 years’ experience in various environmental operation and management roles. In these roles, she has been responsible for the environmental management and compliance of projects such as major government infrastructure constructed through sensitive greenfield sites. In addition to the development, implementation and monitoring of environmental management plans to facilitate approvals and maintain compliance, Tamara’s skills also include comprehensive desktop assessments and formal environmental impact assessment under Western Australian State and Commonwealth legislation. She is experienced in the preparation of documentation for a range of environmental approvals applications (predominantly under Part IV and V of the Environmental Protection Act 1986 and the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999), as well as on-site environmental management of contractors, auditing, reporting and ensuring compliance with Federal and State Ministerial conditions. With significant experience in local government and State government departments, Tamara is well-versed in the necessary alignment between environmental approvals, management and compliance and City and State planning policies and guidance.
Tamara also has a keen interest in Numbat conservation and since 2007, following this passion in her own time, she has pursued countless observations of populations in the wild, which has led to her extensive knowledge of the species. Since 2021 and under her own business, Numbat Niche Consulting, Tamara has performed ongoing Numbat foraging surveys around Dryandra Woodland National Park to detect dispersal and sub-populations, and with DBCA officers, she has led the annual volunteer Numbat foraging surveys in the Wheatbelt since 2013. Through her specialist Numbat work, Tamara has well-developed skills in targeted native mammal surveys and knowledge of marsupial population ecology.
When she’s not working as an environmental manager, hunting for Numbats or contributing to their conservation, Tamara enjoys wildlife and nature photography, bushwalking, gardening and the company of her indoor cats.
A very warm welcome to the FVC team, Tamara!