Environmental Assessments and Management
flora and vegetation
FVC is an environmental consultancy, specialised in undertaking environmental assessments to assist with environmental impact assessment, environmental approvals and to demonstrate environmental compliance.
Our expertise also extends to environmental management for the purposes of biodiversity
protection and enhancement, and for natural area management and conservation initiatives.
Environmental Consulting Services Delivered
The FVC team can deliver or assist with any environmental consulting needs our clients may have.
Our specialties include:
- Flora and Vegetation Assessments
- Targeted Significant Flora Surveys
- Targeted Significant Ecological Community Surveys
- Fauna Assessments
- Environmental Surveys and Assessments
- Environmental Monitoring
- Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
- Environmental Approvals
- Environmental Management Plans (EMP)
- Environmental Management Systems
- Environmental Management
- Environmental Compliance Auditing, Monitoring and Reporting
- Natural Areas Management
- Biodiversity Protection and Enhancement
- Conservation Planning
Need a specialist ecological consultant who can carry a project from field surveys, environmental impact assessments and approvals, through to environmental management planning and compliance, including monitoring? Then look no further than the experienced team at FVC.

Flora and Fauna Assessments and Monitoring
Flora and fauna assessments and monitoring are a specialty of the experienced FVC team. Many of our personnel have decades of experience in conducting biological assessments and in the design and implementation of ecological monitoring programs across Western Australia.
Some of the specialty services we offer under our flora and fauna assessments and monitoring capability include:
- Flora and Vegetation Assessments
- Targeted Significant Flora Surveys
- Targeted Significant Ecological Community Surveys
- Vegetation Monitoring
- Weed Monitoring
- Vegetation Condition Monitoring
- Flora Monitoring
- Rehabilitation Monitoring
- Fauna Assessments
- Targeted Conservation-Significant Fauna Surveys
- Fauna Monitoring
- Monitoring Plans
- Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
- Environmental Approvals and Compliance
- Environmental Management Plans (EMP)
- Vegetation Management Plans
- Flora Management Plans
- Weed Management Plans
- Dieback Management Plans
- Hygiene Management Plans
Environmental Impact Assessment
The FVC team is experienced in environmental impact assessment across the full range of environmental factors. We are specialist biological and ecological consultants and as such, have particular expertise in ecological impact assessments. Where expertise in other specialist areas is required, we are able to call on our wide network of sub-consultants to assist. We have well established relationships with many of the best consultants in Western Australia and can manage their scopes on behalf of our clients.
Some of the specialty services we offer under our environmental impact assessment capability include:
- Desktop Assessments
- Field Assessments
- Site Investigations
- EIA for Referrals and Statutory Approvals
- Regulatory Authority / Decision Making Authority / Stakeholder Consultation
- Environmental Monitoring for Impact Assessment
- Environmental Management Plans (EMP)

Environmental Approvals
The FVC team has a proven track record in various aspects of the environmental approvals processes with both State and Commonwealth regulatory authorities. As specialist biological and ecological consultants we are particularly suited to assisting with approvals for projects where impacts to biological or ecological (flora, vegetation, fauna or habitat) impacts may be relevant. Where broader expertise in other specialist areas is required, we are able to call on our wide network of sub-consultants to assist. We have well-established relationships with many of the best consultants in Western Australia and can manage their scopes on behalf of our clients.
Some of the specialty services we offer under our environmental approvals capability include:
- Part IV Approvals (State Environmental Protection Authority (EPA))
- Part V Approvals (State Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (DWER), Native Vegetation Clearing Permits (NVCP)
- Commonwealth Environmental Approvals
- Environment Plans for onshore oil and gas activity approvals
- Regulatory Authority / Decision Making Authority / Stakeholder Consultation
- Referrals (State and Commonwealth)
- Bilateral Agreement Process Approvals
- Environmental Scoping Documents
- Environmental Review Documents (ERD), including Public Environmental Review (PER)
- Environmental Offset Strategies
- Responding to (public) comments on ERDs
- Compliance requirements of environmental approvals, including:
- Environmental Management Plans (EMP)
- Environmental Monitoring Plans and Programs
- Compliance Reporting
Environmental Management for Compliance
The FVC team can assist clients with the critical compliance period, where projects need to demonstrate that conditions of environmental approvals have been met, including various environmental management and monitoring requirements. As specialist biological and ecological consultants, we are particularly suited to assisting clients to demonstrate compliance relating to flora, vegetation, fauna or habitat matters.
Some of the specialty services we offer include:
- Environmental Management Plans (EMP), including:
- Environmental Management Plans (comprehensive for all environmental values)
- Construction Environmental Management Plans (CEMP)
- Vegetation Management Plans
- Weed Management Plans
- Flora Management Plans
- Fauna Management Plans
- Rehabilitation Plans
- Dieback Management Plans
- Hygiene Management Plans (weeds and dieback)
- Environmental Monitoring and Monitoring Plans, including:
- Vegetation Monitoring
- Flora Monitoring
- Fauna Monitoring
- Rehabilitation Monitoring
- Weed Monitoring
- Vegetation Condition Monitoring
- Dieback Monitoring
- Offset Strategies
- Environmental Compliance Auditing / Monitoring
- Environmental Compliance Reporting
- Annual Environmental Reports

Environmental Management for Conservation
We have a proven track record in environmental assessment and management for conservation purposes. This includes biodiversity protection and enhancement, natural resource management, conservation planning and related purposes and activities.
As specialist biological consultants, we are particularly suited to assisting in planning for and monitoring the protection and enhancement of ecological values. This extends to contributing our knowledge to conservation initiatives, particularly relating to flora, vegetation, fauna or habitat matters.
Some of the specialty services we offer include:
- Conservation Management Plans
- Local Biodiversity Strategies
- Rehabilitation/Revegetation Plans
- Habitat Restoration Plans
- Environmental Management Plans (EMP), including:
- Environmental Management Plans (comprehensive for all environmental values)
- Vegetation Management Plans
- Weed Management Plans
- Flora Management Plans
- Fauna Management Plans
- Dieback Management Plans
- Hygiene Management Plans (weeds and dieback)
- Environmental Monitoring and Monitoring Plans, including:
- Vegetation Monitoring
- Flora Monitoring
- Fauna Monitoring
- Rehabilitation Monitoring
- Weed Monitoring
- Vegetation Condition Monitoring
- Dieback Monitoring
Our Service Promises
We promote flexibility in all of our services. The best interests of our clients and their projects is paramount. This means that if things change, we can too. Our agility and commitment to positive outcomes is what sets us apart.
The FVC team is prided on working with our clients, not just for them, with a focus on project needs, from beginning to end.