Focused Vision Consulting Pty Ltd (FVC) delivers high standards in flora and vegetation assessments and monitoring, serviced by an experienced in-house team of specialists.
FVC are specialists in flora and vegetation surveys and all related botanical studies. Our in-house team has more than three decades of experience delivering projects with a focus on defining floristic values in given locations, whether for the purposes of vegetation clearing approvals, site selection/feasibility/risk assessments, natural resource management, or vegetation monitoring for compliance or other purposes.
Our in-house specialist team are complemented by a broad network of industry colleagues, all significantly experienced in their own right, which enables us to flexibly provide suitable resources to our clients and to deliver on large projects when required.
Undertaking the appropriate level of survey for any environmental aspect requires consultants to properly understand the values of conservation significance or other sensitivities, in order to design a study that suitably defines these values, meets regulator and stakeholder expectations and does not burden clients with unnecessary fees or delays to project schedules.
The FVC team has intimate familiarity with the things that matter when assisting clients with scoping flora and vegetation assessment work, including:
- Good familiarity with EPA guidance for flora and vegetation surveys
- Experience with and an understanding of regulator expectations and preferences for survey design, reporting content and areas to invest efforts
- An understanding of seasonal constraints of field survey work across the various bioregions
- Knowledge and track-record with other stages of projects which enables this context to optimise the survey approach, such as:
- An understanding of the approvals implications for flora and vegetation values of significance
- Knowledge of the environmental mitigation, management, offset and compliance opportunities and expectations related to flora and vegetation
- Experience in working on all phases of large development projects, as part of multi-disciplinary teams, with good context in areas such as site/route selection, engineering design, constructability, site environmental management, environmental monitoring and other compliance aspects such as environmental reporting during liability periods.

Flora and Vegetation Assessment Services Delivered
- Detailed flora and vegetation assessments
- Reconnaissance flora and vegetation assessments
- Targeted significant flora surveys
- Targeted Significant Ecological Community Surveys (including Banksia woodland TEC, Tuart woodlands and forests TEC)
- Vegetation monitoring
- Rehabilitation monitoring
- Weed and condition surveys and monitoring
- Native Vegetation Clearing Permits
- Vegetation Management Plans
Highlight Project
Ardea Resources Limited, Goongarrie Cobalt Nickel Project, two-phase detailed and targeted flora and vegetation assessments (2018)
Ardea Resources Limited (Ardea) is focused on development of the Goongarrie Nickel Cobalt Project (GNCP, Project) located approximately 80 km north of Kalgoorlie in Western Australia’s Goldfields region. FVC was initially commissioned to undertake a first phase flora and vegetation assessment of a significantly large (over 28,000 hectare) study area encompassing the GNCP Mining Area and associated other potential project areas, in autumn 2018. A second phase assessment was conducted in spring 2018, encompassing the amended study areas. The results of the assessment have contributed to the Public Environmental Review (PER) document for the mining development’s environmental approvals.
Other Relevant Projects
- Main Roads WA & the Integrated Project Team (with Jacobs & Arup), Great Northern Hwy, Bindoon Bypass, flora, vegetation and fauna assessments (2016, 2017, 2018)
- Southern Forests Irrigation Scheme (SF Irrigation Cooperative, via Stream Environment and Water), flora and vegetation assessments (2019)
- City of Cockburn, Cockburn Central East Local Structure Plan area and Verde Drive Extension, flora, vegetation and fauna assessments (2016, 2017, 2018, 2019)
- Perth Airport, targeted flora, vegetation, fauna and habitat assessments (entire airport estate and three offset sites) (2016-2017)
- Department of Communities (via Coterra Environment), Keralup Vegetation Assessments (2017, 2019)
- Lake Mealup Preservation Society, with Peel-Harvey Catchment Council, Lake Mealup Weed Mapping (2019)
“Focused Vision Consulting has taken the time to get to know our business and our needs. Not only have they been able to tailor their assessments and reports to ensure they contain the information we require in an easy to use format, but they have also been able to anticipate our requirements and address them proactively. Kellie and her team always conduct themselves in a professional manner and are responsive to our needs. I would highly recommend Focused Vision Consulting.”
Confidential client, aviation industry, 2017