Main Roads WA, Mitchell Freeway Extension, Offset Strategy (2023-2024) |
KoBold Metals, Little Sandy Desert Exploration, Flora, Vegetation and Fauna Assessment (2023-2024) |
FORM and the City of Mandurah, Giants of Mandurah, Environmental Assessments (2022) |
Atlas Iron (now HanRoy), Pardoo/Ridley, Detailed Flora and Vegetation Assessment (2022) |
Public Transport Authority, Metronet Byford Rail Extension, Detailed Flora, Vegetation and Weed Assessments of 7 Potential Offset Sites (2022) |
Fortescue, East Pilbara Generation Hub, Detailed Flora and Vegetation Assessment (2022-2023) |
City of Kwinana, Local Biodiveristy Strategy (2021) |
APA Operations, Northern Goldfields Interconnect (NGI) Pipeline, Two-Phase Detailed and Targeted Flora and Vegetation Assessment (2020-2021) |
Main Roads WA, Tonkin Gap, Tonkin Highway Upgrade Project, Biological Assessment, State and Commonwealth Referrals, EIA and EMP (2018-2020) |
Great Northern Highway Integrated Project Team (Main Roads WA, Jacobs, Arup), Great Northern Highway, Bindoon Bypass, Multiple Phase Biological Assessments, EIA and Environmental Management Support (2016-2020) |
Atlas Iron (now HanRoy), Pardoo, Vegetation Monitoring (2023) |
Fortescue, Pilbara Energy Generation, Lambda, Detailed Flora and Vegetation Assessment (2022) |
Main Roads WA, Potential Offset Sites at Boallia, Moondyne and Cowalla, Biological Assessments (2022) |
Shire of Augusta-Margaret River, Local Biodiveristy Strategy (2023-2024) |
Harvey Water, Pinjarra Pipeline, Biological Assessments and Preliminary EIA (2023-2024) |
Global Lithium Resources, Manna Lithium, Multiple Phase Detailed and Targeted Flora and Vegetation Assessment (2023-2024) |
Fortescue, Elevation-Hendrix/Boolgeeda, Four-Phase Detailed and Targeted Flora and Vegetation Assessment (2021) |
Aurizon, Kwinana Depot Expansion, Detailed Biological Assessment (2022) |
Rottnest Island Authority, South Thomson and Kingstown, Rottnest Island (Wadjemup), Flora and Vegetation Survey (2022) |
Spinifex Minerals, Spinifex Abrasive Minerals Project, Two-Phase Detailed Flora and Vegetation Assessment (2022) |
Water Corporation, Caddadup Reserve Tank Duplication, Multiple Phase Flora, Vegetation and Fauna Assessments (2016, 2018, 2020, 2022) |
City of Cockburn, Roe 8, Annual Rehabilitation Monitoring (2019-2023) |
Capricorn Metals, Mt Gibson Gold Project, Multiple Phase Detailed and Targeted Flora and Vegetation Assessment (2021-2023) |
Wiluna Mining Corporation, Matilda Gold Project, Lake Way, Annual Ecological Monitoring (2020) |
Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage, Russell Road MRS Review Environmental Assessment, EIA and EMP (2019) |
Ardea Resources Limited, Goongarrie Cobalt and Nickel Project, Detailed and Targeted Flora and Vegetation Assessments (2018 & 2023) |
Perth Airport, Perth Airport Full Estate Assessment, Targeted Flora and TEC Surveys (2016) |
City of Armadale, Biodiveristy Strategy (2023-2024) |
Planning Horizons WA, Lot 55 Readheads Road, North Dandalup, Site Environmental Assessment and Revegetation Plan (2022) |
AGIG, Nanutarra Pipeline Corridor, Reconnaissance Flora & Veg, Basic Fauna (2021) |
Shire of Upper Gascoyne, Landor-Mt Augustus Road Realignment, Reconnaissance Flora and Vegetation Assessment, Targeted Conservation Significant Flora Survey (2021) |
Asia Iron, Koolanooka South, Rehabilitation Monitoring Plan and Report (2021) |
Main Roads WA, West Coast Highway, Duplication and Intersection Upgrades Biological Assessment and EIA, (2021-2022) |
Main Roads WA, Neerabup Road, Fauna Underpass Monitoring (2020) |
Two-Phase Detailed and Targeted Flora and Vegetation Assessment (2019) |
Main Roads WA, Leach Highway-Welshpool Road Grade Separation, Biological Assessment, EIA and EMP (2019) |
City of Mandurah, Marlee Reserve, Biological Assessments and Reserve Management Plan (2016) |
Ekistika Impact Investment Partners, Kunawarritji, Parnngurr, Punmu - East Pilbara Site Selection, Environmental Desktop Assessments (2021) |
Main Roads WA, Bush Forever Site 300, Gateway Environmental Compliance, Annual Targeted Caladenia huegelii Survey (2019, 2020, 2021) |
Lake Mealup Preservation Society Inc. and Peel Harvey Catchment Council, Lake Mealup Bush Action Plan – Companion Report, Site Assessment of Biological Values and Bush Action Plan (2019) |
Rey Resources, Stokes Bay, Point Torment and West Kora, Environment Plan (2018) |
Shire of Broome, Cable Beach Foreshore Adaptation Project, Flora and Vegetation Survey (2018) |
Mount Holland Mining, North Ironcap and Bad Bat Projects, Flora, Vegetation, Fauna and Habitat Assessments (2017) |
Leschenault Catchment Council, Blackberry Mapping across the Shires of Collie, Donnybrook-Balingup and Dardanup (2021) |