
Recent and Key Projects

Main Roads WA, Mitchell Freeway Extension, Offset Strategy (2023-2024)
KoBold Metals, Little Sandy Desert Exploration, Flora, Vegetation and Fauna Assessment (2023-2024)
FORM and the City of Mandurah, Giants of Mandurah, Environmental Assessments (2022)
Atlas Iron (now HanRoy), Pardoo/Ridley, Detailed Flora and Vegetation Assessment (2022)
Public Transport Authority, Metronet Byford Rail Extension, Detailed Flora, Vegetation and Weed Assessments of 7 Potential Offset Sites (2022)
Fortescue, East Pilbara Generation Hub, Detailed Flora and Vegetation Assessment (2022-2023)
City of Kwinana, Local Biodiveristy Strategy (2021)
APA Operations, Northern Goldfields Interconnect (NGI) Pipeline, Two-Phase Detailed and Targeted Flora and Vegetation Assessment (2020-2021)
Main Roads WA, Tonkin Gap, Tonkin Highway Upgrade Project, Biological Assessment, State and Commonwealth Referrals, EIA and EMP (2018-2020)
Great Northern Highway Integrated Project Team (Main Roads WA, Jacobs, Arup), Great Northern Highway, Bindoon Bypass, Multiple Phase Biological Assessments, EIA and Environmental Management Support (2016-2020)
Atlas Iron (now HanRoy), Pardoo, Vegetation Monitoring (2023)
Fortescue, Pilbara Energy Generation, Lambda, Detailed Flora and Vegetation Assessment (2022)
Main Roads WA, Potential Offset Sites at Boallia, Moondyne and Cowalla, Biological Assessments (2022)
Shire of Augusta-Margaret River, Local Biodiveristy Strategy (2023-2024)
Harvey Water, Pinjarra Pipeline, Biological Assessments and Preliminary EIA (2023-2024)
Global Lithium Resources, Manna Lithium, Multiple Phase Detailed and Targeted Flora and Vegetation Assessment (2023-2024)
Fortescue, Elevation-Hendrix/Boolgeeda, Four-Phase Detailed and Targeted Flora and Vegetation Assessment (2021)
Aurizon, Kwinana Depot Expansion, Detailed Biological Assessment (2022)
Rottnest Island Authority, South Thomson and Kingstown, Rottnest Island (Wadjemup), Flora and Vegetation Survey (2022)
Spinifex Minerals, Spinifex Abrasive Minerals Project, Two-Phase Detailed Flora and Vegetation Assessment (2022)
Water Corporation, Caddadup Reserve Tank Duplication, Multiple Phase Flora, Vegetation and Fauna Assessments (2016, 2018, 2020, 2022)
City of Cockburn, Roe 8, Annual Rehabilitation Monitoring (2019-2023)
Capricorn Metals, Mt Gibson Gold Project, Multiple Phase Detailed and Targeted Flora and Vegetation Assessment (2021-2023)
Wiluna Mining Corporation, Matilda Gold Project, Lake Way, Annual Ecological Monitoring (2020)
Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage, Russell Road MRS Review Environmental Assessment, EIA and EMP (2019)
Ardea Resources Limited, Goongarrie Cobalt and Nickel Project, Detailed and Targeted Flora and Vegetation Assessments (2018 & 2023)
Perth Airport, Perth Airport Full Estate Assessment, Targeted Flora and TEC Surveys (2016)
City of Armadale, Biodiveristy Strategy (2023-2024)
Planning Horizons WA, Lot 55 Readheads Road, North Dandalup, Site Environmental Assessment and Revegetation Plan (2022)
AGIG, Nanutarra Pipeline Corridor, Reconnaissance Flora & Veg, Basic Fauna (2021)
Shire of Upper Gascoyne, Landor-Mt Augustus Road Realignment, Reconnaissance Flora and Vegetation Assessment, Targeted Conservation Significant Flora Survey (2021)
Asia Iron, Koolanooka South, Rehabilitation Monitoring Plan and Report (2021)
Main Roads WA, West Coast Highway, Duplication and Intersection Upgrades Biological Assessment and EIA, (2021-2022)
Main Roads WA, Neerabup Road, Fauna Underpass Monitoring (2020)
Two-Phase Detailed and Targeted Flora and Vegetation Assessment (2019)
Main Roads WA, Leach Highway-Welshpool Road Grade Separation, Biological Assessment, EIA and EMP (2019)
City of Mandurah, Marlee Reserve, Biological Assessments and Reserve Management Plan (2016)
Ekistika Impact Investment Partners, Kunawarritji, Parnngurr, Punmu - East Pilbara Site Selection, Environmental Desktop Assessments (2021)
Main Roads WA, Bush Forever Site 300, Gateway Environmental Compliance, Annual Targeted Caladenia huegelii Survey (2019, 2020, 2021)
Lake Mealup Preservation Society Inc. and Peel Harvey Catchment Council, Lake Mealup Bush Action Plan – Companion Report, Site Assessment of Biological Values and Bush Action Plan (2019)
Rey Resources, Stokes Bay, Point Torment and West Kora, Environment Plan (2018)
Shire of Broome, Cable Beach Foreshore Adaptation Project, Flora and Vegetation Survey (2018)
Mount Holland Mining, North Ironcap and Bad Bat Projects, Flora, Vegetation, Fauna and Habitat Assessments (2017)
Leschenault Catchment Council, Blackberry Mapping across the Shires of Collie, Donnybrook-Balingup and Dardanup (2021)