Environmental monitoring can range from daily inspections on operational or construction sites, through to large-scale, detailed and comprehensive monitoring programs across entire operations.
Monitoring programs can also be focused in on one particular value, such as vegetation monitoring. And monitoring programs can vary in duration and frequency, from a one-off monitoring event, to programs that continue for many years, which may be annual, or daily, or anything in between.
The purpose for an environmental monitoring program can vary, but will usually be carried out for one of two reasons:
- To meet compliance obligations for environmental approvals (where conditions of approval require a proponent to undertake monitoring to demonstrate that no impact is occurring), or
- To achieve conservation and natural resource management objectives.
The FVC team has experience in designing, planning, implementing and reporting for both types of environmental monitoring programs. We are specialised in undertaking environmental assessments and monitoring, with particular expertise in ecological assessments and ecological monitoring.
The specific types of environmental monitoring and those which the FVC team is experienced in, includes:
- Vegetation monitoring
- Rehabilitation monitoring
- Weed monitoring
- Vegetation condition monitoring
- Flora monitoring (Threatened and/or Priority flora populations)
- Fauna monitoring (conservation-significant fauna)
- General and comprehensive environmental monitoring, which may address a range of aspects such as vegetation monitoring, fauna monitoring, dust and/or air quality monitoring, noise monitoring, etc.
Environmental monitoring services require consultants to work with clients to determine a suitable experimental design for monitoring. One which strikes a balance between achieving environmental, regulatory compliance and financial objectives.

The FVC team is prided on working with clients, not just for them, with a focus on project needs, from beginning to end. This means, all assessments and the approach we will take is tailored to the project and client needs, which will deliver focused results, efficiencies, value for money and proper regulatory compliance.
FVC is able to provide environmental monitoring services that address the full life cycle of monitoring programs, including:
- Development of environmental monitoring plans
- Liaising with regulatory authorities regarding the suitability of the monitoring plan, to ensure compliance and that environmental objectives are met
- Implementation of monitoring plans – carrying out field monitoring
- Analysis of data and reporting on monitoring results
- Preparation of environmental reports (e.g. annual compliance reports, annual environment reports) to provide feedback to regulators, shareholders or other stakeholders on the progress of environmental monitoring or other environmental aspects of projects.
Within our capabilities, or specialty is ecological assessments and ecological monitoring.
FVC draws on a team of highly experienced environmental professionals to resource projects with the full spectrum of environmental/ecological/biological assessment and monitoring needs.
Key Monitoring Plan / Program Capabilities
- Environmental Monitoring
- Vegetation Monitoring
- Significant Flora Population Monitoring
- Weed Monitoring
- Vegetation Condition Monitoring
- Rehabilitation Monitoring
- Conservation-Significant Fauna Population Monitoring
- Ecological Monitoring
Key Relevant Experience
- Blackham Resources, Lake Way Ecological Monitoring (Baseline) (2016) and first monitoring event (2019-2020)
- Main Roads WA, Neerabup Road Fauna Underpass Monitoring (2019)
- Australian Potash/Aethos Consulting Environmental baseline studies - Lake Wells Potash Project (2017, 2018, 2019) (Bamford Consulting Ecologists, sub-consultant partners)
- Main Roads WA, Great Northern Highway, Bindi Bindi, Rehabilitation Monitoring (2016)
- Main Roads WA, Freight Link/Roe 8 Vegetation Condition Monitoring (2015)
- Fortescue Metals Group, Cloudbreak Rehabilitation Monitoring Plan (2013)
- Woodside Energy Limited, James Price Point Rehabilitation and Weed Monitoring Plans (2012)
- Woodside Energy Limited, James Price Point Dry and Wet Season Vegetation Monitoring (2012)
- Fortescue Metals Group, Turee and Turner Syncline Flora and Vegetation Monitoring (2012)