Environmental Approvals and Compliance

Our environment is protected by various legislation that dictates if any proposed action has the potential to have a negative impact on the environment, it must be assessed.

The proposed action will only be approved if it is deemed to be environmentally acceptable, by mitigating (minimising) and managing impacts as much as possible, remediates the environment from the effects of negative impacts and offsets any unavoidable impacts where required.

In order to ensure that all potential environmental impacts are carried out, avoided, managed and offset as required by the law, regulatory authorities govern environmental approvals processes at all levels of government.

Companies undertaking actions that may result in environmental impacts, may not be specialists in characterising the receiving environment or defining and quantifying impacts. Specialists consultants can step in to assist in determining ways in which companies can avoid, minimise and manage impacts, as well as remediate and offset those impacts.

FVC is an environmental consultancy, specialised in environmental assessments, environmental impact assessments (EIA), environmental approvals and environmental compliance for a range of projects, across a broad range of sectors.  Our team are specialists in ecological impact assessment for flora and fauna values and have capabilities in overall EIA, environmental approvals documentation and the compliance related aspects of environmental regulation, such as the preparation of management plans and environmental offsets.

Importantly, the FVC team are also intimately familiar with the environmental approvals processes and the frameworks for these provided by both State and Commonwealth regulators.  Additionally, members of our team have well-established and long running relationships with many senior officers in both State and Commonwealth environmental regulatory departments.

Consultants with a sound understanding of the environmental approvals processes ensure the best outcome for clients in terms of project definition, characterisation of the environment, impact assessment, approvals acquisition and compliance.

FVC draws on a team of highly experienced environmental specialists, to resource projects with the full spectrum of impact assessment, approvals and management needs.

helena aurora range

Environmental Approvals Services Delivered

  • Comprehensive environmental impact assessments
  • Statutory approvals documentation, including:
    • State referrals
    • Commonwealth referrals
    • Native Vegetation Clearing Permit (NVCP) applications
    • Environmental Review Documents (ERD), e.g. Public Environmental Review (PER)
  • Environmental impact mitigation recommendations
  • Environmental Management Plans and other documentation to meet commitments made and for compliance purposes
  • Regulatory, stakeholder and community consultation

Key Relevant Experience

  • Main Roads WA, Tonkin Hwy, Tonkin Gap, biological assessments, environmental impact assessment, Environmental Management Plan, State & Commonwealth referrals (2018-2019)
  • Integrated Project Team (IPT) (Main Roads WA with Jacobs and Arup), biological assessments and contributions to the PER, Great Northern Highway Upgrades, Bindoon Bypass (2016-2019)
  • Fount of Life Ministries, environmental approvals support (Biological Assessment, NVCP, Development Application, Bed and Banks Permit), Fount of Life Sanctuary, Wattle Grove (2017-2019) 
  • Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage, Russell Road MRS Review, environmental impact assessment (2019)
  • Rey Resources, Stokes Bay, Point Torment and West Kora Oil Wells, Environment Plan (instrument of environmental approvals with the Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety (DMIRS) (2018)
  • Main Roads WA, Leach Hwy-Welshpool Rd Interchange Upgrade, biological assessments, Preliminary Environmental Impact Assessment & Environmental Management Plan, vegetation clearing impact assessment, Vegetation Management Plan (2018-2019)


"The team from Focused Vision was awesome.  My project was contentious, working with vulnerable people and FVC ensured they delivered.  They were accurate in their reports and very timely, taking time to visit site and hear and listen to the scope of the project.  Above all, the very sincere and friendly attitude was the winner!"

Maria Daniel, Fount of Life Ministries, 2019