Environmental management plans are often environmental compliance requirements for development projects.
Environmental management plans are often environmental compliance requirements for development projects.
Where environmental approval has been granted, this is often conditional upon the preparation and implementation of environmental management plans.
Therefore, in order to comply with conditions of approval, EMPs are required. Ongoing reporting on the implementation and success of EMPs is also often required, to demonstrate that the EMP is being used and is working to avoid or manage impacts to the environment.
Monitoring and reporting the outcomes of this is often also required. The environmental management and planning process can be complicated and requires specialist skills and experience.
In the realms of natural resource management (as opposed to development), environmental management plans are sometimes prepared and implemented to ensure the best possible outcomes for the relevant environmental aspects being protected.

Types of Environmental Management Plans
There are a number of types of environmental management plans, which may include the following:
- Environmental Management Plan (generic, project-wide)
- Construction Environmental Management Plan (for construction projects/phases only)
- Vegetation Management Plan (often to protect significant vegetation such as Threatened Ecological Communities or habitat for Threatened flora and/or fauna)
- Flora Management Plan (often to protect significant or Threatened flora and habitats)
- Fauna Management Plan (often to protect significant or Threatened fauna and habitats)
- Weed Management Plan (to manage the spread of weeds, particularly if pest or noxious weeds or Declared Pest plants occur)
- Dieback Management Plan (to manage the spread or introduction of Phytophthora dieback)
- Hygiene Management Plan (which may incorporate weed, dieback and other pathogen management)
- Reserve Management Plan (a comprehensive management plan for a given reserve, often prepared by local governments)
- Heritage Management Plan (specifically to manage potential impacts on matters of heritage significance, including Indigenous Heritage or European Heritage)
- Dust Management Plan (specifically to manage impacts that may arise from dust)
- Noise Management Plan (specifically to manage impacts that may arise from noise and vibration)
- Contamination Management Plan (specifically to manage contamination risks or impacts that may arise from disturbance of contaminated sites).
The list goes on!
Some projects make commitments to, are requested to or otherwise have an obligation to prepare and implement numerous environmental management plans and existing management plans may require regular revision to remain relevant, to meet regulatory requirements or changes and to achieve the best possible environmental outcomes.
Environmental Management Plan Capability
FVC is an environmental consultancy, specialised in environmental management, which includes the preparation of environmental management plans, as well as environmental assessments, environmental impact assessments (EIA), environmental approvals, and environmental compliance.
Our team are ecological specialists, including ecologically specific EMPs, such as vegetation management plans, fauna management plans and dieback management plans. However, we have capabilities and experience in preparing the full spectrum of environmental management plans, particularly Construction Environmental Management Plans (CEMPs).
The key to prompt environmental approvals, positive environmental outcomes and outstanding results in environmental compliance audits is thorough and robust environmental management and planning, supported by experienced consultants.
FVC draws on a team of highly experienced environmental specialists, to resource projects with the full spectrum of environmental management needs.
Key Relevant Project Experience
- Main Roads WA, Tonkin Hwy, Tonkin Gap, Environmental Management Plan, Vegetation Management Plan, biological assessments, Environmental Impact Assessment, Clearing Impact Assessment, State & Commonwealth referrals (2018-2019)
- City of Mandurah, Reserve Management Plans (2017)
- Lake Mealup Preservation Society and the Peel-Harvey Catchment Council, Lake Mealup Bushland Action Plan (2019)
- Rey Resources, Stokes Bay, Point Torment and West Kora Environment Plan (2018)
- Main Roads WA, Leach Hwy-Welshpool Rd Interchange Upgrade, Environmental Management Plan, Vegetation Management Plan, Preliminary Environmental Impact Assessment, biological assessments, vegetation clearing impact assessment (2018-2020)
"FVC were prepared to listen to (our) client needs and work through issues. (They) responded to feedback and made changes in a timely way, delivering high quality work."
Eryn Jackson, City of Mandurah, 2019